I can feel it, that tugging on my heart. I know I am being asked to do 'something'. I don't know what that 'something' is and it scares me to death.
Dan is putting together his packet and will have it submitted by the end of the month. This packet will be his application to the Chaplain Corps and he is requesting active duty. I am honored to stand by him as he takes this step and we head out soon on a new journey. But I am also scared. All the 'what ifs' cross my mind.
I've done this before. The submission of a packet, the news of acceptance, the orders to far off places. All the excitement and sorrow as I said goodbye to my family for the first time, ever. We went away to new adventures. Those new adventures brought the deepest pain I have ever felt in my life.
Logically I know that my former husband becoming a Warrant Officer in the Army and our family moving to Germany did not take my baby girl from me. I know that those steps and decisions didn't cause his brain cancer. I know it wasn't a punishment from God for not doing things right. I know that God allowed those things in my life to serve a purpose, His purpose.
However, the part of me that remembers holding Mollie close to my heart during the many days in the NICU, in a foreign hospital, feeling so alone, wonders. The part of me that stood by as they wheeled Phillip off to surgery #1 and #2 and watched as he underwent chemo and radiation and held his hand as he took his last breathe in the wee hours of the morning, wonders.
That part wonders, what will this adventure bring? What will I be asked to let go of? Can my heart take another loss? Will I survive?
And the answer is Yes, with God I can. Because I know without a doubt that "He will never leave me nor forsake me" (Hebrews 13:5b). That His word says "Do not fear, I will help you." (Isaiah 41:13)
I am scared to death because of the what ifs but I am also excited to see what He will bring to us. There are many people who need to be ministered to. There are families falling a part. If Dan and I can be an encouragement, a listening ear, a support to just one person or one family it will all be worth it. God is calling us to do 'something' and we are listening and taking those steps.
I'll say it again, I am honored to stand by his side and take these steps and support him in what God is calling him to do. And together, strengthened by God, we will face whatever may come our way!
July 25, 2009

What God has brought together....
Monday, September 12, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Remebering 9-11
Just about everyone has their remembrance story of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. People will be sharing with one another a lot over the next few days.
It makes me think of when I was in high school and we were talking about JFK and his assassination. My teacher said that just about everyone who was around at that time could tell you almost exactly what they were doing and where they were when they heard the news. I think it is the same with 9-11.
With this being the 10 year anniversary, there will be many tributes and remembrances. I would like to focus on the children and families who lost loved ones on that day. Having lost people I love before I thought they should go, I know that grief never really ends. It changes and it becomes easier to deal with as you heal, but it is never gone. You still remember the person and what they meant to you. You still hurt some times, especially on important dates like the anniversary of the death, a birthday or another special date.
My heart goes out to the families who will be remembering the person they loved and missing them. I hope that we can set aside our differences for just a moment to think of the families who are grieving those who were lost on that day as well as the many who have given their lives in the days since then protecting our nation. My family will spend time in prayer for those families that are missing someone because of that tragic day.
It makes me think of when I was in high school and we were talking about JFK and his assassination. My teacher said that just about everyone who was around at that time could tell you almost exactly what they were doing and where they were when they heard the news. I think it is the same with 9-11.
With this being the 10 year anniversary, there will be many tributes and remembrances. I would like to focus on the children and families who lost loved ones on that day. Having lost people I love before I thought they should go, I know that grief never really ends. It changes and it becomes easier to deal with as you heal, but it is never gone. You still remember the person and what they meant to you. You still hurt some times, especially on important dates like the anniversary of the death, a birthday or another special date.
My heart goes out to the families who will be remembering the person they loved and missing them. I hope that we can set aside our differences for just a moment to think of the families who are grieving those who were lost on that day as well as the many who have given their lives in the days since then protecting our nation. My family will spend time in prayer for those families that are missing someone because of that tragic day.
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