I joined a club today, the Grandma club. Nevaeh-Jade Marie Hamilton joined our family this morning at 6:08 am PST. She is a tiny peanut, just 5 lb 11 oz and 17.5 inches. She made an exciting entrance 18 days early.
I received a call at 3 am (EST) and heard "I'm sorry mom but my water broke and I am having contractions. I'm at the hospital and in labor." She was saying sorry to me? I quickly reassured her that she had nothing to be sorry for and that I wished I could be there but I would be waiting for the news and to please have someone keep me updated and to remember that I love her.
Then I sent her gushy text messages reminding her that she was capable and beautiful and strong and amazing and that I loved her and would pray for all to go smoothly. Things I would say if I could be there.
Oh, waiting has not been my strong suit, ever, and this waiting was really hard. Three thousand miles separated me from my dear daughter while she was giving birth for the first time. Talk about anxiety! I only rested a little while more for the night.
Later in the morning, my sister called to give me an update. It seemed everything was fine and the next thing we know, she tells me that they don't know what is going on but something happened and someone said c-section and no one really knows and no one is telling them anything. Then the phone decided to cut out!
I couldn't breathe and my heart stopped for a minute. There are only a few times I have been that scared! There was nothing I could do. Nothing at all. I know there would be nothing I could do if I was there either but being here made me feel so helpless. My baby girl was struggling and I couldn't do anything for her. I thought of how worried she must be and there was no one with her!
I was at the mercy of my sister, the nurses information and poor cell phone reception. For a moment I almost lost it completely. A dozen scenarios rushed through my mind and not a single one of them had a favorable outcome. And then God grabbed my heart and began to calm me. My sweet, dear husband held me and prayed over me. Peace replaced the fear and I was of sound mind again.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Eventually I was able to speak with my wonderful sister and learned that everyone was OK. The baby's heart rate dropped so a c-section was needed. My daughter had to be put under and the waking up was rough but both momma and baby were fine.
It was a few hours before I could speak with my daughter. Once I heard her voice, raspy from the tube, my momma's heart was calmed. Pictures came flooding in, thanks again to my wonderful sister and niece and the baby's other grandma, aunt and family.
And through it all, even when I couldn't feel it, God was there. He was carrying me. How quickly I begin to panic when I know better. He is always there and always will be. He will never leave me nor forsake me. I know this full well!
“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
Precious Bundle! |
It has been an emotional day! Every one is tired and I am super duper excited. I can't wait to hold that little bundle of love. I haven't even seen her with my eyes and I already love her so much. I am thankful that the Lord protected them both and for His love and caring.
I am excited to be in the Grandma club and I am looking forward to meeting this special little girl.
Plenty of blond hair! |
Sweet baby feet! |