Phillip was born in California while his father was stationed at Camp Pendleton. Both his mother and father served in the Marine Corps. His father passed away when Phillip was 11 and by then he had developed a strong desire to follow in the footsteps of his hero.
In 1988 Phillip enlisted in the Marine Corps, right out of high school. He was in radio/comsec repair. He was stationed at Camp Pendleton after boot camp and at 19 was deployed in support of the Gulf War. He was later deployed to Somalia.

We met and married within 6 months. Both of us had just begun, or recommitted, our walks with the Lord. Two days before our wedding, he re-enlisted in the Army and we began our journey together along with my two children.
During our marriage, we had four sweet babies and buried one. We moved across the country and back and to Europe and back. We survived his numerous field exercises, schools, and a deployment.
In the summer of 2004, just a few short months after our Mollie's death, Phillip was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme IV. The prognosis was grim. We were told that without treatment we could expect only 3-6 months more. We chose to fight as much and as long as we could. This required 2 surgeries, 6 weeks of radiation, months of chemotherapy, physical and occupational therapy to help him learn to walk again and many many many days/nights in the hospital. He suffered with memory loss, loss of strength and function and seizures.
In spite of the difficulty, we were blessed with almost 2 more years together before he lost his battle with cancer on July 5, 2006. In that time, we were upheld by our Lord through the prayers and tremendous blessings of so many people within our family, church and throughout the country! Our faith was tested and strengthened. Phillip grew strong in the Lord as his body grew weak. I know that in the early hours of that summer morning, he heard the words "Well done good and faithful servant. Enter into rest."
I made him three promises in those years. One, I would not let him take his last breath alone. He was circled by people who loved him and I was right by his side, holding his hand. I kissed him and whispered our love to him and asked him to hold our precious Mollie and tell her how much I love her.
The second promise I made was to learn to live, and love, again. It took me a couple of years to gain the courage and strength, but the Lord blessed me and I am walking in the fulfillment of that promise.
The third promise I made was to not let his life be forgotten. I will spend the remainder of my days fulfilling this. Each day I am met with three sweet faces which are his legacy. I will continue to instill a fond memory of their father and his life will carry on through them.
The Lord has comforted, strengthened and blessed us. Our life is very different than it was ten years ago when we said goodbye. I am grateful for the blessing of knowing Phillip and the life we shared. I praise God for His faithfulness, mercy, grace and comfort.
Today, please say a prayer for our family, especially the children, as we remember him.
Thank you for sharing this. I am honored to read of him and his children and especially of your promises and of our Lord. Thank you for the example you set.