July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009
What God has brought together....

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I accept....

The invitation to Imperfect Progress. 

In her book, Unglued, Lysa Terkeurst defines imperfect progress as 'slow steps of progress wrapped in grace'. And she as challenged readers to accept an invitation to imperfect progress.

Oh how I want to change! I don't want to be the crazy, freakout lady whom everyone has to walk carefully around. I don't want my children to fear my next rant. I don't want my husband to wonder if I have finally, completely lost it.

I want my family and those I come in contact with to see Jesus in me. I want them to see a sinner, saved by grace, who loves loves loves others! I want the 'words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart to be pleasing in the Lord's sight'. I want to live love like in 1 Corinthians 13; patient, kind, not proud, and keeps no record of wrongs.

I can't do this on my own. I need my Lord to give me the strength and the grace to walk in Him each and every day. He is willing and able to do His part, and I must be willing and able to do mine.

Hosea 10:12 'Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.'

It is time!
  • I will sow righteousness by choosing to honor God in what I say and do. Even when the kids are all crazy and not listening, even when we are LATE, again, even when I feel icky, even when there is a grasshopper hopping around the house and dinner is bubbling over and the baby is crying and the other kids are literally "bumping into my happy"! I will choose to not react poorly!
  • I will reap the fruit of unfailing love with those choices. I will always have God's love.
  • I will break up my unplowed ground by allowing brokenness to change me. New comes out of the broken places, I know this already. I will rest in that and trust the One behind the plow.
  • I will seek the LORD now! I will seek Him for His changes. Allow Him to create grace space in my heart. Allow Him to take the empty spaces and grow grace!
  • Until He comes and showers His righteousness on me I will give grace to those who hurt me. I will choose to show them love even when they don't deserve it. Because I will remember that He gave me love when I didn't deserve it either and still does, every day!
I will do all this with the strength of the Lord who gives abundantly to those who seek Him.

Thank You, Lord that You continue to work in me. Thank You, Lord that You have and continue to redeem the yuck in me. Thank You, Lord that You love me even when I'm not acting loving or kind or even very nice. Thank You, Lord that You have made me a new creation. Today, I ask for the strength to walk in that love and grace. I ask that You will remind me of all the wonderful grace and forgiveness You have given me so that I may give it freely to others. I pray that You will give me peace that passes all understanding and remind me of Your truths so I will not be discouraged. Thank You, Lord that Your grace is new each morning.

Might you join me in this journey of imperfect progress? I will pray for you to see the work He is doing in your life as you take those steps and walk in His grace.

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for you in your journey. Ask God to show you Satan's lie and reveal His truth to you as you study His word.
