July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009
What God has brought together....

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas ramblings!

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. I love the lights, the trees, the candy, the presents, all of it! I do know that Christmas isn't about all these things, but I love them anyway.

I also love to give gifts. I love to find the perfect gift for someone and to watch them as they open it. Even if I'm not the giver, I love to watch others receive. Sometimes it is hard to wait.

One year, I knew what my dad had bought for my older brother and I couldn't wait for him to finally open it. Being a young adult, he was acting all cool about it and was really slow in the opening part. It was killing me! I kept repeating, "Open, open, open!" (that was the year Mervyn's had the commercial where the woman would stand at the door and say that).

When I was a young mom with only 2 kids, I did the Santa thing. One year, I was telling my step-mom about the gifts I purchased for the kids. I bought one of them a deeply desired game for the game boy and the other a Barbie carnival thing. She asked if those were the Santa gifts and I said "No, Santa is bringing them clothes." She was shocked and told me that Santa was supposed to bring the biggest, best gift. My response was "I don't want some mythical guy getting the credit for these great gifts! I want them to know I picked them!" This is one of the reasons we don't do Santa now. :) Remembering this always makes me laugh!

We have 8 children to buy for now. And, we simplify the giving. We give our kids 3 gifts and their stockings. One is something to wear, one is something to read and one is something they want. The something to wear is always pajamas and we open this on Christmas Eve.Then we have cocoa and watch a movie. This is one of my favorite traditions we have in our family.

Our hope is that the 3 gifts helps them to remember that the wise-men brought Jesus 3 gifts that first Christmas so long ago. Just a small way to keep the heart on what's important.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baby Steps

I have felt for awhile that God is calling me to do something, only I don't know what. I spent a lot of time wondering and praying about the what. Eventually, I realized that He wants me to start somewhere. He is asking me to take a step and see where it leads.

I believe one of those steps is to reach out and help a hurting person. I have been blessed to facilitate a group which helps people walk through grief. Having walked through grief myself, I can share with them the day to day struggles that come with healing. I can also be a light and a hope to how God can and will heal if we wait on Him and trust Him.

I still don't know where God is taking me, but I am taking His lead and have faith that He has something for me.

As we finish up our first session of our group, I'm reminded of God's grace and His great love for us. He walks with us through difficult times and comforts us as we allow Him to heal us. And then He brings other people to us to walk with in their difficult time. And I'm realizing that the greatest healing of all comes from reaching out and helping someone else. Amazing how He works.  

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Friday, November 30, 2012

My inspiration to be Greater!

The story of Esther has always inspired me. She was a young Jewish girl who was thrust into royalty because she was beautiful. Once she entered the palace she learned that her people were in danger.

She could have kept quiet and done nothing, especially considering that if she spoke up to the King without being summoned, she could be put to death! However, she called on people to pray and fast with her and was bold to go before the King. This act saved her people from death.

Whenever I read Esther, I am inspired to step out in faith and to be bold. To walk where God is calling me. My favorite verse in this book is Esther 4:14 b: ..."Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"

I am also blessed with a husband who inspires me to be Greater! My husband is a strong man of God. He is intelligent, hard working, honest, sweet, kind, considerate, and loving. He has served his country in the Navy for 15 years active duty and 7 years ago began the process to become a Navy Chaplain, where God is calling him to serve. In that time, he went to seminary for his Master's in Divinity and is continuing on for a Master's in Christian Counseling. At the same time, he works a demanding, often more than full time job which requires him to travel. He also serves in the church and on the Navy base. And on top of all that, he tirelessly cares for me and our children.

Often people aren't aware of the work he does. He does all these things without seeking recognition. He does it because he feels God is asking him to. I am inspired by him to step out and do what God has called without recognition, without even knowing where the path will lead. He inspires me to truly seek God and to trust Him in everything. He is my hero.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I accept....

The invitation to Imperfect Progress. 

In her book, Unglued, Lysa Terkeurst defines imperfect progress as 'slow steps of progress wrapped in grace'. And she as challenged readers to accept an invitation to imperfect progress.

Oh how I want to change! I don't want to be the crazy, freakout lady whom everyone has to walk carefully around. I don't want my children to fear my next rant. I don't want my husband to wonder if I have finally, completely lost it.

I want my family and those I come in contact with to see Jesus in me. I want them to see a sinner, saved by grace, who loves loves loves others! I want the 'words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart to be pleasing in the Lord's sight'. I want to live love like in 1 Corinthians 13; patient, kind, not proud, and keeps no record of wrongs.

I can't do this on my own. I need my Lord to give me the strength and the grace to walk in Him each and every day. He is willing and able to do His part, and I must be willing and able to do mine.

Hosea 10:12 'Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.'

It is time!
  • I will sow righteousness by choosing to honor God in what I say and do. Even when the kids are all crazy and not listening, even when we are LATE, again, even when I feel icky, even when there is a grasshopper hopping around the house and dinner is bubbling over and the baby is crying and the other kids are literally "bumping into my happy"! I will choose to not react poorly!
  • I will reap the fruit of unfailing love with those choices. I will always have God's love.
  • I will break up my unplowed ground by allowing brokenness to change me. New comes out of the broken places, I know this already. I will rest in that and trust the One behind the plow.
  • I will seek the LORD now! I will seek Him for His changes. Allow Him to create grace space in my heart. Allow Him to take the empty spaces and grow grace!
  • Until He comes and showers His righteousness on me I will give grace to those who hurt me. I will choose to show them love even when they don't deserve it. Because I will remember that He gave me love when I didn't deserve it either and still does, every day!
I will do all this with the strength of the Lord who gives abundantly to those who seek Him.

Thank You, Lord that You continue to work in me. Thank You, Lord that You have and continue to redeem the yuck in me. Thank You, Lord that You love me even when I'm not acting loving or kind or even very nice. Thank You, Lord that You have made me a new creation. Today, I ask for the strength to walk in that love and grace. I ask that You will remind me of all the wonderful grace and forgiveness You have given me so that I may give it freely to others. I pray that You will give me peace that passes all understanding and remind me of Your truths so I will not be discouraged. Thank You, Lord that Your grace is new each morning.

Might you join me in this journey of imperfect progress? I will pray for you to see the work He is doing in your life as you take those steps and walk in His grace.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The evil "J" word!

The "J" word is unfortunately a word I know all too well. Since I was young, I have found myself getting jealous. This jealousy comes from comparing my life to others.

I was thinking about the comparison trap. I am so easily locked into this. I don't really know why, but I'm guessing it's because of discontentment at times. I love my life, I love my husband and my children and I love being a stay at home-homeschooling mom. Yet, every once in a while, I see or hear about someone living their dream and I start to become jealous and compare what I think about their life with the hardest parts of my own.

And that is the problem, I don't know what their life is really like behind the front door. I can only see and speculate as to what I think it is like. The reality is we all have difficulties. One of this weeks memory verses is Galatians 6:4-5 "Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load."

The Lord doesn't want us to fret over someone else, He wants us to look to Him and to follow what He has called us to do. We are all created differently with different gifts. My gifts do no look like someone else's gifts and neither do my difficulties.

In John 21:21-22 After Jesus had restored Peter from his denial, Peter asks Jesus "But Lord, what about that man?" (referring to another disciple) and Jesus said to him "If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow me." I think we all need to remember this. God has a purpose and a plan for our lives that is uniquely designed for us. He doesn't make mistakes. He wants our focus to be on Him and what He has for us to do.

I had an opportunity to share this with my daughter recently. Our church has a play every year at Christmas time. It is a big deal and tryouts start in September. It is open to children from 2nd to 6th grade and this is her last year. She was hoping to get a main part with lots of lines. She practiced her singing (she has an amazing voice) and her acting. Tryouts came and she was encouraged. But the day they revealed the parts, she didn't get the one she hoped for. Instead, a friend of hers did.

She was disappointed. She came to me and we talked about it. She shared how she really wanted a lot of lines and that she really wanted the big solo! I could feel her pain! I prayed about how to best help her and God gave me the words. First I told her how I understood her disappointment. I understood what it was like to not get what you want and to see someone else get it.

And then I began to teach her how to keep from letting the disappointment turn into jealousy. I told her to remember that the play wasn't about her, it was about glorifying God. The whole point was to have fun and to share the Gospel. I reminded her that every part was important, not just the one with the most lines. The play couldn't happen unless every one participated. I helped her to see how she, and everyone else, has a very important role. And then I asked her to think of things she did have, things she was thankful for. I was hoping that by focusing on the blessings in her life, the disappointment wouldn't fade. She started making her list and became happy for her friend and excited about her part. She began to talk about how much she was going to practice so she could do the best job ever!

An amazing thing happened in my heart. God whispered, "That's what I want YOU to do as well. Focus on your blessings. Work on what I have for you to do in your life." It's amazing how a lesson that I am teaching to my daughter speaks so much to me.

In my walk with the Lord, I am learning to be content. As Paul says in Philippians 4:11 "Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." This has been a stretching process for me. It doesn't come natural but thankfully God is working in me!

So lets remember: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefor, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:9-10.

Thank You for this wonderful morning, a new chance to walk with You. Thank You that You have a plan for each one of s. Thank You that You created us with unique gifts. Lord, today I pray that we will look to You for what we should be doing in our lives. I pray that when we start to look at others and compare that we would remember to simply 'Follow You'. I pray that we would bring love to others and not grow weary in the work You have. Thank You Lord that You continue to work in us.
In Jesus Name,

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Unglued Procedure Manual

Lysa Terkeurst shares her procedure manual in chapter 7 of Unglued. I used some of her ideas and personalized them for my own.

  1. Remember who I am and whom I belong to. God! I have told my children this for as long as I can remember. We are redeemed (Eph 1:7), accepted (Eph 1:6) and blessed (Eph 1:3) by God and created by Him for good works. (Eph 2:10).When we focus on the fact that we are children of God, created for good things, molded and shaped by Him, we can walk in those truths and it will affect the way we react.
  2. Refocus on what's really important. One question to ask is: 'In the light of eternity, does this really matter?' (2 Chronicles 20:29-30, Acts 26:16))
  3. Move out of the way - let God work. He is much better at it anyway. I think a lot of my unglued moments come from me wanting to control the situation or having an expectation of how something should be. In reality, I can only see what is right in front of me. However, God sees the big picture and He has a plan. (Jeremiah 29:11, 2 Chronicles 20:15b)
  4. Gratitude - plan and simple. Thank God for what He has done and is doing! (Psalm 100:4, Psalm 147:7, Colossians 4:2)
  5. Consider my legacy. How do I want to be remembered? Do I want people to fear me coming unglued or do I want to be remembered as a self-controlled woman of God? Proverbs 31 comes to mind here!
Thank You for saving me and loving me. I need Your help to stay focused on the important things. Help me to see You in every situation. Help me to move out of the way and let You do Your mighty work in and through me. Thank You for Your love, provision and growth in my life. I pray that I can be a quiet spirit today as You work in me. I pray that I will hold my tongue and stay controlled and 'glued'. 
In Jesus Name,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our real enemy

Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

When faced with a potential conflict or situation that can make me come unglued, I need to remind myself who the real enemy is. The person or people or situation that seems to be making my blood pressure rise isn't really my enemy, Satan is. He prowls around the world seeking to destroy. He wants to destroy people and relationships. He wants us to believe that we are doomed to stay the way we are and that we can't change. He is excited when we explode on people or stuff our feelings which in turn produces more conflict and damaged relationships. Satan can sit back and relax and watch it all come down.

Unless we choose how we will react in advance. If we make a conscious choice to react in an honest, peacemaking, Godly way, we can help minimize the damage. We win, God wins. Conflict doesn't have to destroy a relationship, it can make it stronger but it takes work. It takes forethought and planning. It takes self-control. 

1 Peter 5:8 "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

As one of the fruits of the spirit, self-control is not an automatic. You must work to achieve it. Self-control comes from knowing God, knowing His word, and choosing to react according to it. It takes time with God, reflecting on and memorizing His word and His promises and His truth. We will also learn to know who our enemy is and the result will be that we will not be devoured by the enemy but we will shut him down.

I'm loving the book Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst. I am seeing some 'imperfect' progress already and looking forward to the continued work He is doing in my life!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Prisoner...set free!

Some of my thoughts and reflections on Chapter 3 of Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst 

"You are so mean!" "You are controlling and bossy!" These are some labels others have given me that I have allowed to stick to me in my life. I think to myself and shout in my mind, "I'm not trying to be mean, sarcasm is my defense when I feel threatened. I'm not trying to be bossy or controlling, I just want to help!" And then I come unglued and show others that I really am those things!

Then there are the labels I put on myself; you are disorganized, you aren't a good cook, you are easily distracted, you are always late! I have been a prisoner to these labels.

Slowly, God is showing me that I don't have to be.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

I am a new creation, old things have passed away! I don't have to replay the comments in my head or relive the mistakes I've made. I can remind myself who God says I am! After all, He created me for great things! He is my maker and He is chiseling away to make me a masterpiece!~ 

With this new mindset, I am set free! I'm not perfect, it's imperfect progress. Thankfully the Lord isn't finished with me yet!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

On going effects of grief....

Dan and I, along with a couple ladies at our church, are facilitating a GriefShare group. I am honored to be able to bring this ministry to my church and to walk with hurting people who need comfort and love at a very difficult time.

We 'trained' for months, beginning in the Spring and watched all the videos and prepared ourselves. I even read all the blog posts and leader tips and such. I knew it would be emotionally trying, especially the first few sessions as everyone is sharing their loss. However, I don't think I was fully prepared for the resurfacing of so many memories and feelings. If I don't keep in prayer about it, I could easily become overwhelmed. I guess I thought that after so many years, it would be easier.

I am thankful for the Lord and the continual comfort He has provided. I'm thankful for my co-facilitators, especially Dan, who I can pray for and with and I know pray for me. I'm thankful for our church which supports us and encourages us. And I'm thankful the the license to share with hurting people. I have walked a similar road. It isn't easy yet I hope that I can be a source of encouragement in a time of need.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,who comforts us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Monday, September 10, 2012

One Another

Monday September 10, 2012

Good morning everyone!

This morning (and all last night for that matter!) God was placing on my heart some of the things He has in store for our family.  Some of these things I wrestled within my heart, He never said this life would be easy.  In the end God confirmed the work that He is working inside of me.

"So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." Romans 12:5 NASB

Committed followers of Jesus are called to community not seclusion. Jesus had His disciples, Paul had the church, even monks have brothers in the monastery and nuns have sisters in the nunnery. Men and women of faith are not islands of isolation, but a beautiful Body of Christ intricately woven together by God's grace. Just like a physical body relies on a variety of organs and appendages, so the spiritual body is interdependent.  Every believer is a unique work in Christ, tempered by the interaction of the Holy Spirit and providence of God's Holy Word.  Every believer is uniquely qualified to fill the place that Jesus intends them to fill within the body of the Church.

Christ calls us to one another. We need one another. Yes, we are complete in Christ, but we are incomplete without a Christ-centered community. When Christ called us, He called us to Himself and to His body of believers. Spiritual growth slows absent engagement with other sincere souls. We are part of a worldwide movement of faith and good works initiated by the Spirit through the Church of Jesus Christ and His disciples. Our vision radically expands when we are part of a mission much bigger than ourselves. Rely on the Holy Spirit to direct and grow you, not the 'wisdom' gained that belongs this world.
"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common." Acts 2:42-44

United by faith we flourish by faith. What the enemy seeks to divide, Jesus Christ unifies. Together we align around the God's agenda: share the gospel, feed the poor, plant churches, heal the sick, make disciples, educate, preach, teach and care for widows and orphans. Christians who serve together have no time for the sideways energy of irrelevant arguments. We need one another-like an army we cover each other's back.  Encourage your brothers and sisters in the gifts that God has ordained within them and recognize their uniqueness in Jesus Christ instead of disapproving of their differences.  If Christ is ultimately glorified and His Word is spread then our purpose as a Church is fulfilled.  In doing so, you have seized an opportunity to honor Christ.

We need one another for prayer and perspective. We need one another for protection and encouragement. We need one another because we are in a spiritual war. We need one another because we are weak and vulnerable. We need one another because we are strong and proud. We need one another to protect us from ourselves. We need one another to know one another and to be known. We need one another because God says we do.  Allow acceptance in your heart for those who hold different opinions than yours, so long as they glorify Christ and honor His Word.  God will use these people to help grow your own faith in Him to better equip you for the work He intends you to perform to further God's kingdom.

Religion is not solitary with your Savior Jesus. When you are with other followers of Christ you are encouraged, prayed for, and held accountable. Yes, you can worship in private, but when you gather for public worship you experience the diversity of God's children. The energy and education you receive when you engage other brothers and sisters in Christ is necessary for spiritual growth. If you had a bad church experience, prayerfully participate in a new place of worship. Go where you can better know God.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25

Please pray for my family and I over the next few weeks.  We will be taking the final steps to pursue the chaplaincy as our primary ministry.  Among the tasks ahead are the administrative requirements that must be completed through our church, my endorser, and the Navy.  Crissi and I would greatly appreciate your prayers and encouragement as we continue take care of these tasks ahead of us in furthering Christ's kingdom for His glory.


Daniel Robinson

Secure - Not Shaken

Dan has been writing and sending out devotions to a group of people each week. This one really spoke to me and I realized that I should be sharing these on our blog! So, when he sends them out each week, I will be sharing them here!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hello everyone!  There are some issues that have been on my mind lately and security came to mind.  I'm sure that the LORD has brought some things to your own attention in your life.

When I felt secure, I said, "I will never be shaken." O LORD, when you favored me, you made my mountain stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed. Psalm 30:6-7

Security rests in our Savior, not our stuff. Stuff comes and goes. It is by nature insecure. But when Jesus Christ comes to dwell in our hearts, He remains. He has promised that He will never leave us. Because He is secure we can be secure. But we must beware lest we believe that security resides anywhere else other than the Lord. God has set His seal of ownership on all who believe. He has put His Spirit in our hearts guaranteeing what is to come (2 Corinthians 1:22). We have an escrow account in eternity. God is the guarantor of our eternal security. Because of this, we are secure in Jesus. Our security is not based on feelings, but faith. If our security depends on feeling secure, we are men and women most miserable. The security found in the world is a fleeting falsehood. Feelings of security fade in the face of trouble when placed in the stuff not of God.

If our confidence is based on pleasant circumstances, then we become careless with Christ. Our life becomes nothing more than a roller coaster of reactive responses. If we feel good, we are secure. If we feel bad, we are insecure. If people like us, we are secure. If they do not like us, we are insecure. If we have money, we are secure. If we lack money, we are insecure. If we are healthy, we are secure. If we are unhealthy, we are insecure. If our job is certain, we are secure. If our job is uncertain, we are insecure. If our children are obedient, we are secure. If our children are disobedient, we are insecure. If things go our way, we are secure. If things don't go our way, we are insecure. We eventually grow weary and wither under the whiplash of insecure living.

Do not place your security in success or failure. The fumes of success can smother your faith as fast as failure can extinguish your hope. Do not allow your material gains to become a substitute for your security in Christ. Stuff is at the top of insecurity's heap. It is the security we find in Jesus that never changes. He is our rock and our refuge. He never moves. He is not shaken. Critics could not rattle Christ with their mockery and meanness. He stood firm in His faith in His heavenly Father. Physical abuse did not drive Him to abandon the Almighty's call on His life. Rather, it emboldened Him. Adversity did not make Him compromise His moral purity. Indeed, suffering became His launching pad for secure and pure behavior. Hope warmed His heart with security.

If left to our own devices, we are insecure people. Anytime we seek security outside of Christ we become insecure. It is ironic that the search for security results in insecurity when we marginalize our Master. He is not our Lord for the last minute. He is our "go to" God first. Secure people wrap everything about themselves around Jesus. Relationships come and go, but your relationship with Jesus remains secure. You grow smarter and wiser with learned experience, but you shun intellectual snobbery and stay humbly secure in Christ. Your balance sheet balloons with net worth, but you keep your ego from inflating by remaining secure in Christ alone. Generous givers are secure. Insecurity arises when we add something to our faith in Christ. Therefore, be secure in your fidelity to faith. You are secure because your security is eternal. Shun earthly securities and embrace heaven's security. Faith needs no help when it is placed in Christ. Above all else, the faithful are secure, not shaken.


Daniel Robinson

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day!

My dad served our country in the Army for 20 years. Although I was proud of him and proud to be an Army brat, I vowed to never marry a military man. It's a hard life and I'm inherently selfish and whiny!!!

Apparently God had other plans! I did marry a military guy, an Army soldier in 2000. We had a busy life, lots of children and trainings and moving and all that. And then he entered his greatest battle, the battle for his life against brain cancer. He lost that battle in 2006, well, I guess he actually won because he is now in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

After all of that, I was even more determined to not be affiliated with the military!!  No way! But again, someone greater than me was in control, God! In 2008 I met a wonderful Godly man, whose heart is set on serving those in the military. After 15 years of active duty service in the Navy, his heart is to be a Navy Chaplain.  I will proudly and willingly stand by his side as he pursues this calling. I'm still inherently selfish and whiny, but I am thankfully a little more mature! God has given me a desire to follow His plans!!

We have no idea when, where or how we will serve the military. In the meantime, we are following His leading in our life and serving where we are.

This Memorial Day I am reminded of the sacrifice of those who serve and those who stand by. Some pay the ultimate price serving our country. Take a moment today to thank a soldier, sailor, Marine; past or present!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Miss Caitlin is 1!!!

Our sweet Miss Caitlin turned 1 on April 3!  We had a family party for her on Sunday the 1st to celebrate with everyone! It was so fun to have most of my family present. 

She really enjoyed her cake......

And her tricycle!

Throughout the day I reflected on the many blessings of my children! God is so good and so faithful! I'm a happy mommy with a full heart!!!

Happy Birthday Miss Caitlin!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our Pink Party

If you know me well, or have followed this blog for any length of time, you know that until 2 1/2 years ago I was a widow.  I was raising my 5 children on my own.

As many single people know, holidays can be hard, especially Valentines Day! While I was feeling alone and sad, my children desperately wanted to 'celebrate'.  The first Valentines Day after Phillip died, I don't even remember what, if anything, we did.  But the second, 2008, I was determined not to allow my heartache to cause me to miss life anymore. John 10:10b was brought to mind "I have come that they may have life, and they they may have it more abundantly."

This had actually been a decision I had made right before Christmas 2007. I felt God speaking to me and reminding me that He had plans for my life and that part of those plans were for me to actually enjoy life!! Whether I would remain single or remarry, He wanted me to trust Him and to enjoy where He had me at the time and those around me, mainly my children!

So, as Valentine's Day drew near, I decided to love on my children! I planned out a fun party; heart shaped pizza from Papa Murpheys, candy, cake, balloons, decorations and of course Valentines! We had a blast and The Pink Party was born!

The Lord blessed me with a wonderful man to spend the remainder of my life with later that same year and still Our Pink Party is our tradition. Even last year when we were at our other house trying to prepare it for renters and without our decorations, we improvised and still had our pink party!

This year, as we prepare for our Pink Party, I am thankful for the blessings the Lord has given me. I have been reflecting on His unfailing Love! And I am fervently praying for others who are heartbroken and hurting, that they may be comforted by Him and rest in His love.