July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009
What God has brought together....

Thursday, April 18, 2013

On My Knees and Blessed

This week, in "Stressed-Less Living", we read about the things in our lives that cause our stress. I completed an exercise where I listed out what the problem was, how it makes me feel, how it affects my life and whether or not I have control or the power to change it.

I learned that the majority of my major stressors are out of my control and I have absolutely no power to change them. That should make me feel better, but it doesn't. The reason it doesn't is because I have been unwilling to give them up to God and allow Him to keep them. I want to be able to do this. The exercise also encouraged a conversation with the Lord. My prayer is below:

I confess that I am often stressed over things that are out of my control. I have let these things affect my relationship with You and with others. Lord, I want to be free of these burdens and how they affect my life. I pray that You will take these problems from my shoulders and You will work in them, in Your time. I pray for Your peace that passes my understanding as I wait on You for the solutions and answers. Help me to continue to turn these things over to You when I want to pull back and worry. I pray that I will allow You to work. Thank You Lord that You care about me and all that is going on in my life. I thank You that You love me and You will always be there beside me. 
In Jesus Name,

Some of the stressors in my life seem pretty huge and daunting. I am challenged to seek the blessings that I have as I wait on the Lord. I shared some of my blessings in my last post, here are some more.

I am thankful for:
  • My daughter's Physical and Occupational therapists who work hard with her every week to help her to walk and also help me to not be worried over her delays.
  • My children who help out around the house.
  • My husband's job which provides for our family and allows me to stay home with our children.
  • The ministry opportunity that my husband and I have to help grieving people in their healing.
  • The mild weather we have here in the Pacific NW.
  • My online bible study sisters who encourage and support me in this journey.
 I am learning so much in this study and look forward to what the Lord has for me.


  1. Christina ~
    I love you heart and how open you have been. I am praying your same prayer Sister! I am blessed to be on the journey with you <3
    Blessings & Love
    Lauren Beach

  2. Christina, thanks for sharing your prayer, this could also be my prayer. That I need to give everything over to God. Blessings to you on this journey and as we each search for what God intends for us to see to conquer stress. Marilyn Vaters
