July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009
What God has brought together....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our real enemy

Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

When faced with a potential conflict or situation that can make me come unglued, I need to remind myself who the real enemy is. The person or people or situation that seems to be making my blood pressure rise isn't really my enemy, Satan is. He prowls around the world seeking to destroy. He wants to destroy people and relationships. He wants us to believe that we are doomed to stay the way we are and that we can't change. He is excited when we explode on people or stuff our feelings which in turn produces more conflict and damaged relationships. Satan can sit back and relax and watch it all come down.

Unless we choose how we will react in advance. If we make a conscious choice to react in an honest, peacemaking, Godly way, we can help minimize the damage. We win, God wins. Conflict doesn't have to destroy a relationship, it can make it stronger but it takes work. It takes forethought and planning. It takes self-control. 

1 Peter 5:8 "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

As one of the fruits of the spirit, self-control is not an automatic. You must work to achieve it. Self-control comes from knowing God, knowing His word, and choosing to react according to it. It takes time with God, reflecting on and memorizing His word and His promises and His truth. We will also learn to know who our enemy is and the result will be that we will not be devoured by the enemy but we will shut him down.

I'm loving the book Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst. I am seeing some 'imperfect' progress already and looking forward to the continued work He is doing in my life!


  1. The second to last paragraph really spoke out to me. You're absolutely right: self-control comes from knowing God. When I haven't devoted enough time with Him, my day is a chaotic mess. It's just an invitation for Satan to come along a magnify every issue in my life. I become ungrateful and helpless. I'm trying every day to make imperfect progress.

  2. You hit the nail on the head when you wrote, "When faced with a potential conflict or situation that can make me come unglued, I need to remind myself who the real enemy is."

    If only I would remember to start there first, it would save me so much emotional stress!

    Great blog post Christina, I love it!

  3. "As one of the fruits of the spirit, self-control is not an automatic. You must work to achieve it."

    I love this line! And it is so true! You go on to say that self-control comes from knowing God. How true! The more we study His Word and build a relationship with him, the more self-control we will have. Thank you so much for sharing!

    OBS Group Leader

  4. Great post. I love you how emphasized that everything is a choice, we are responsible for our choices. Thano you for sharing.
