July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009
What God has brought together....

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Oh, how these last few chapters have spoke to me! Especially Chapter 8, Due to Circumstances beyond Our Control. Sometimes I feel like this is my entire life. I know it isn't but there have been large spans of time where it has.

From 2000 to 2007, I was remarried, had 4 more children, lost one child to a birth defect and lost my husband to cancer and then broke my foot and couldn't drive for 3 months and I was the only adult in my house! (I'm not going in to details because it is too lengthy and not the purpose of this post but you can read about it in earlier posts and on my other blog: http://molliechristina.blogspot.com/)

In this I learned, I can't control everything. In fact, there is very little I can control. God will never leave nor forsake me, no matter how hard the situation is. God does work All things for good. He showed me that He loves me and He will work in every situation. He brought people into my life who were His hands and feet and who walked with me through this time. There were things He did that I didn't understand at the time that make more sense now looking back.

I would like to say that I have kept these lessons close, but I still tend to desire control. I remind myself of what God has done and His sovereignty and it helps me loosen my white-knuckle grip!


  1. Christina, thank you for sharing from your heart today. It is not easy to let go, especially when circumstances seem to be spinning out of control. Just like you said, God is beside us and will never leave or forsake us - no matter how tough life gets. God has a reason and a purpose and we must lean into Him, let loose of the reins and let Him guide our lives.

  2. When things are out of control,we just try to control it even more! Its wonderful, even when it's in the back of our mind, that our God is right there. I'm definitly coming back to read your earlier posts!


  3. Christina, enjoyed reading this beautiful post. He never leaves us but we leave Him. You have been through so much and yet you are here blessing us with your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. Debbie Williams (OBS Small Group Leader)
